Act now! Help save our Sussex countryside by commenting on Lewes consultation

We are now at a critical stage! We have until September 3 to commnent during the "Issues and Options" Consultation Phase for Lewes District Council's new Local Plan. If you only have a few minutes, you can still have an impact and help stop Eton’s plans right from the start. Please click here to find out how.

Eton College is planning to build a 3,000-house new town in beautiful, open countryside right on the edge of the South Downs National Park in East Sussex. There is no infrastructure for a development on this scale. It would damage the landscape of the area forever while destroying precious habitats and ecosystems and ruining the lives of local villagers.

The Eton land is in a very quiet, rural area comprising tiny village communities, narrow country lanes, woodland, precious habitats and ecosystems, historic farmland. Visitors and locals alike treasure this beautiful countryside right on the border of the South Downs National Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and International Dark Skies area. There is no infrastructure to support the creation of a huge new town and it will do nothing to meet local housing need.

Take Action Now!

The most important thing you can do right now is a) join the campaign and b) comment on the Lewes Consultation. We need as many supporters as possible to show how strongly and passionately we object to this development.


What else can I do?

  • encourage your family, friends and contacts to comment on Lewes plan too (you don’t need to be local and everyone in your household can do it)

  • follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo and LinkedIn - and share posts with your family, friends and contacts

  • Donate to support our campaign

  • Read our blog posts, check out the media coverage and keep informed

  • If you live somewhere where you can put up a prominent sign, request a placard

  • Write to your local MP to express your views (even if they’re not in the immediate area); all MPs are set to vote this Autumn on the new Planning Bill which will take power away from local authorities to decide local planning issues.

Map of the area

We don’t need it.  We are already meeting local housing targets.  The only gain is profit for Eton College & Welbeck Land.